Founders' Gift

TSIBA Founders’s Gift Capital Campaign
Your legacy in a space to dream for a better future

Effective from the start of the 2023 second semester, the TSIBA Business School campus will be based at 51 Old Mill Road, Ndabeni, Cape Town. 

The purchase of TSIBA House Ndabeni brings to fruition a two decade dream for TSIBA to own its campus. TSIBA House Ndabeni will be a platform to profoundly change the future trajectory of young people and a place which will enable the Global Sustainability Goals of no poverty, quality education and decent work and economic growth for generations ahead. 

Pursuant to this is the launch of the TSIBA Founders’ Gift Capital Campaign. 

Founders’ Gift aims at raising sufficient financial resources to replenish the loan funding secured for the campus purchase and associated project costs including interior design, construction, campus migration and campus greening - at a cost to TSIBA of ZAR 50 000 000 (USD $ 2 750 000,00). 

Investment in the new TSIBA Campus builds a space which creates better humans, better communities and a better planet. Investments in the new TSIBA campus also present an opportunity to leave a lasting legacy.  

Donors wishing to support this campaign can do so through the payment platforms Give to TSIBA  or Global Giving.    Naming rights are available to all investors. 

Leave your legacy