Friends of TSIBA Education Switzerland
Following 20 years of profoundly changing young people’s lives, the IMAGINE TSIBAx20 campaign imagines another two decades and then another, and then another, and 20x the graduates. With your support IMAGINE TSIBAx20 aims to build sufficient financial reserves to secure our work for decades ahead.
The Friends of TSIBA Education Switzerland is an association (“Verein”) registered in Zurich, Switzerland that can accept charitable donations on behalf of TSIBA Business School in Cape Town. These donations are tax-deductible in all Swiss cantons for Swiss tax residents. If you wish to receive a tax letter, please email our Treasurer, Donald Pudney, at with your name, the amount you have donated and your official residential address for tax purposes within Switzerland.
"The TSIBA BBA degree exposes one to different aspects of “self”. The core subjects of Leadership and Self-development enabled me to be a team member and a leader when called upon a new dream."
Friends of TSIBA Education Switzerland
In October 2013 TSIBA registered an Association (“Verein”) in Switzerland called Friends of TSIBA Education Switzerland. This Verein was established to build relationships with foundations, corporate organizations and individuals to enable TSIBA to realise its vision in South Africa. All funds raised by the Verein go directly towards supporting TSIBA Business School, an accredited institution of higher education offering business qualifications in South Africa.
Members of the Board
The Swiss Friends of TSIBA Association is based in Zurich and is managed by an independent Board.
TSIBA Board Officers
- Roy Morrison - President
- Donald Pudney - Treasurer
- Tony Buckle - Secretary
TSIBA Board Members
- Berthold Herrmann
- Vitas Argimon
- Peter Kraan
Become a Friend of TSIBA Education Switzerland
Connect with Friends of TSIBA Switzerland using your skills and time.
From planning fundraising events within you network, hosting interns at your company, tipping us about new founding sources to creating relationships with potential partners, there are countless ways you can help amplify TSIBA’s impact!
Mentor TSIBA students
Share your professional and personal experience by mentoring our students in their journey. Mentorship is a formal part of TSIBA’s Academic Curriculum.
You will be joining our international community of industry experts. Don’t worry about the distance, as digital technologies bridge the geographical divide.
Fuel our work
If you are a Swiss resident paying income tax in Switzerland you can make a tax-free contribution to TSIBA’s impact through a donation.
Whether you decide to fund a student for a one year tuition scholarship, provide living allowance or donating towards text books, your support will help TSIBA Business School students grow in their journey to Graduation.