What happened at our Business Battle?

Winners of the battle

Business Battle at TSIBA

According to Stats SA South Africa is faced with a 29% rate of unemployment- the majority who are graduates who are unsuccessful in finding a job. TSIBA Business School is one amongst other institutions that are striving towards finding solutions to this problem.TSIBA has developed models as part of a solution to the country’s unemployment which are leadership, entrepreneurship, and self-development. TSIBA’s mission is to invest in purpose-driven humans and emerging businesses who lead social change.

In achieving this TSIBA has introduced a business battle exclusively open to the public and TSIBA Alumni. The battle took place on the 11 March 2020 at TSIBA House, Woodstock. Students and staff came in numbers to witness this battle for the first time at TSIBA.

The participants were:
Zizipho Nqezo of Zizi Passion
Asisipho Mgujulwa of Royal Integrated Cleaning Service
Kareemah Abrahams of Kareemah’s Delights
Furnell Manus of Le Furn Photography
Basil Collins of Community Lab Business Services

Zizi Passion

Zizi Passion was established in 2018. The business has been operating for four months and Zizi struggled to get start-up capital. The objective of the business is to promote a healthy lifestyle in Gugulethu and surrounding communities in Cape Town. Zizipho pitched in a request of assets to run her business.

“I am truly grateful for the grant as this is a step further to greater beginnings for my business. Having to stand in front of judges and a crowd was not easy but the important factor having to spoke about what you passionate about is the most empowering and exciting part”, Zizipho said.

Zizipho walked away with a R30,000.00 prize from TSIBA (The Garage), she will acquire assets that will enable the Zizi Passion to deliver fresh food and live up to the businesses’ objectives and will be able to create more job opportunities for Gugulethu community and surroundings.

Royal Integrated Cleaning Service

Royal Integrated Cleaning Service was a concept created by Asisipho and finally, that concept came to life. The business was established to promote a clean and hygienic environment within the cleaning industry. 

It goes further as creating employment for disadvantaged individuals within neighbouring communities. 

Asisipho won R2000 at the business battle. She believes that this competition resonates with TSIBA and would love to see more students taking part in next years event. Asisipho will continue to create change and employment for people in her community.

Asisipho said; “Thank you so much for believing in young born entrepreneurs. I will not stop here and I will keep pushing even harder. I am hungry for success and to inspire others within my community. Anything is possible”.

Kareemah’s Delights

Kareemah’s Delights offers its customers a personalised experience and takes pride in providing good quality baked goods at an affordable price. Kareemah pitched in a request for baking equipment which will speed up the production process so that she can meet her customer’s demand. Kareemah said; “Having to present in front of a crowd has always been a challenge for me. Knowing that I was one of five entrepreneurs that were experiencing the same thing put me a bit at ease and it was my very first time doing a “Dragons Den” style presentation”.

Kareemah walked away with the winning total of R35000. The funding will be used to purhcase baking equipment and create more job opportunities.

Le Furn Photography

Furn Photography was started part-time in 2012 and later grew into a full-time business in 2019. Furn Photography specialises in Family Photography services offering a variety of photo printing and photo books. The business also provides photography services for weddings, graduations, etc.
Furnill hired two employees to assist him as the business continued to grow. Furnill pitched in a request for funding to buy equipment to grow his business and create employment opportunities for the community.
Furnill said: “The business battle showed the community that there is hope for entrepreneurs who want to start their own businesses and access to funds to help them along the journey towards success”.

Furnill is excited to have received the R10,000.00 prize. He feels honoured to have been part of the business battle.