First Semester Review

It is with great pleasure that we share herewith the 2020 First Semester Review of the TSIBA Social Enterprise. What has been accomplished this year would not have been possible without the incredible support of the whole TSIBA community.     Thank you for your generous commitment to us, our students and learners, and the business entities that we support.  We hope …

Battles of a black female

FEMALE. This gender which I chose not to be, comes with a target on my back. A slap to my cheek by his masculine hands. I feel the sting and burn on my face. I turn away in shame, this awakens the darker beast in him. The beast that believes I am his possession, that he can do with me …

TSIBA Helps Entrepreneurs Leap Forward in the Business World

The current economic downturn brought by the impact of Covid-19 has not only changed the way companies do business but has renewed focus on the role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMME) as a catalyst for growth and job creation. While many jobs have been decimated and entrepreneurs left battling for survival, TSIBA, through the TSIBA Ignition Academy, is making …

International Online Collaboration and Synergy Benefit Start-up Entrepreneurs

What do local start-up entrepreneurs and 36 students have in common? They shared in a ‘mindfest’ international dialogue to create real world solutions to real world entrepreneurial problems! The ‘international dialogue’ is a collaboration between Northeastern University (Boston, USA) and TSIBA Business School (Woodstock, Cape Town). What makes the ‘dialogue’ in 2020 so special is that it celebrates its 15th …

Catch-up with Kareemah

In November 2018, I registered my business and started operating full-time.  I had already started this as a side-hustle in 2015 and I had established a small customer base. I needed assistance on how to maximise my production and ultimately take my business to the next level; therefore I joined the NU programme in 2019. Being part of the programme …

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened”

TSIBA’s relationship with the Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences in Bavaria, Germany near Munich continues to flourish and grow. TSIBA and Rosenheim have had a 4-week joint programme Bilateral Cultural exchange and 2 Summer School Workshops, hosted in Rosenheim; and this year the 2nd Bilateral is underway. In 2017, Maryam Haywood and Tarryn Julies we were given the opportunity …

When Passion Drives Purpose, the Result is SUCCESS!

Eighty-eight days after lockdown, TSIBA Business School students on the 22 June 2020, sat for their first online examinations! This remarkable achievement, in contrast to many institutions still struggling with data and learning devices, resulted from many robust discussions, endless ‘muting’ and ‘unmuting’ online meetings, navigating complex issues of data, learning devices and selecting appropriate epistemology. All this was underpinned …

TSIBA 2019 Annual Report

COVID19 Update and TSIBA 2019 Annual Report We are delighted to share with you a digital copy of our 2019 Annual Report   In addition to the delivery of the 2019 academic year, a number of strategic orientated projects were undertaken with the future of TSIBA in mind. Our “Road to Woodstock” project was completed when we secured our beautiful …

COVID-19: Education’s Moment of Enlightenment

Here is a question: You have two options presented to you right now; live or learn. Which do one do you choose? Hopefully, 100% of respondents will choose to live. Humans are generally hardwired that way. So, in essence, teaching and learning should be about enhancing the quality and sustainability of life. However, in many education circles across South Africa …


As of 01 May 2020, a day when workers traditionally celebrate their rights, I assume the role of CEO of TSIBA Business School. I take on this role with humility and honour and will strive to stay true to the organisation’s vision as well as elevate its value as a business school in South Africa’s hour of need. I wish …


As Dr Kimmie steps in his new role as TSIBA CEO we officially want to CONGRATULATE both Jakubose Sibanda (Quantitative Programme Convenor) and John Durr (Entrepreneurship Anchor) as our new Acting Deans in the following roles: Mr Jakubose Sibanda – Acting Dean, AdministrativeMr John Durr – Acting Dean, Academic We wish you both well in your new respective roles.